Mindful that, with many nurse call alarm systems in large wards displaying calls from patients on central display panels or overdoor lights, it can be difficult to accurately identify the call location, Aid Call has “gone back to basics”, and developed “a radical new wireless nurse call system”, “the Touchsafe”, to address the issue.
The centrally placed Touchsafe CP5000 display panel has a full alpha-numeric screen that shows ward and bed location, as well as the attending nurse’s identification, with optional floor plans/ map locations, on its high visibility display, while permanently logging all information safely for record and audit purposes. The new Touchsafe ATX5000 call points, meanwhile, feature an LCD screen which displays a “next call waiting” message, enabling staff to access their next call from the current patient’s room without having to revisit the central display panel, or carry “expensive pocket pagers”. Aid Call will show the new Touchsafe products at this month’s Healthcare Estates event in Manchester.