LTE Scientific’s Scope-Store endoscope storage/drying cabinet range has been added to the NHS “Endoscope Decontamination Equipment” National Framework. John Lees, LTE’s MD, commented: “The range was introduced just after the NHS Framework was finalised.
The units’ features and performance enabled us to convert a good number of sales outside the Framework, but obviously many customers wanted to buy via it. Availability through the Framework will make it so much easier to buy our products.” The complete Scope- Store range is listed under “Partners For Endoscopy” (PFE), LTE’s UK distributor. Designed “to meet or exceed” HTM01-06 requirements, Scope-Store units operate via a colour touchscreen which provides clear information on each scope, such as scope ID, air time, air volume, storage time, and user ID for load/unload. Scope and user IDs can be picked from the on-screen menu, or scanned in via an optional barcode reader.