
What can membership do for me?

The Institute has recently published a new brochure setting out, and answering, over six pages of clear information, what it says are the two most common questions asked by members: “What is IHEEM?”, and “What can my membership do for me?”

CEO John Long elaborates: “The brochure defines IHEEM’s vision and mission, the specialisations and skills that make up our family of members, and what IHEEM does by way of outputs to support members in their professional career development.” The new publication opens with a joint letter from the President and the chief executive that explains what the Institute sets out to achieve on its members’ behalf. John Long says: “The letter highlights the worthy ideals that have stood the test of the Institute’s sixty years of existence, and how this legacy continues to generate a vibrant and active membership community. It also emphasises the Institute’s unequalled education and technical contribution, which is resulting in the membership growing at its fastest rate for 12 years, and, finally, emphasises that having MIHEEM or FIHEEM after your name means integrity, high standards of individual professionalism, and quality assurance.” Any IHEEM members requiring extra copies to distribute in their workplace should contact the IHEEM office. T: 02392 823186.


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