
An end to bacterial hospital infections?

To combat chemical-resistant bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores which can cause hospital infection, Proventec Healthcare now offers OxyPharm, a new “area bio-disinfection solution” claimed to be “fast-acting, highly mobile, and low cost”, and “effective against all potentially harmful micro-organisms”, organically breaking them down to water and oxygen molecules, “without risk to humans”.

OxyPharm uses a fully biodegradable disinfectant based on a combination of hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid. It is “non-corrosive, non-toxic, and non-allergenic”, and a treated area may be used again only 30 minutes after disinfection.

After daily routine cleaning, the lightweight OxyPharm unit (pictured) is placed in a ward or intensive care room where an integral heating and ionising turbine transforms the liquid chemical into “dry fog”. Automatically dispensing for the required period, OxyPharm is reportedly effective after just three minutes’ treatment per 50 m3. Once data on the room “volume” requiring treatment is input to the unit, the process is automatic.

Proventec says air and all surfaces, including ceilings, walls, light fittings, fans, room furniture, fabrics, and electronics, are disinfected automatically and simultaneously, “without any risk of corrosion”.


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