
No slip-ups along the way

Trade paint brand Johnstone’s has further expanded its range with the launch of its new Anti Slip Flortred product – which it says has been tested in accordance with HSE BS7976 Parts 1-3, and scores highly under the Pendulum test values, “boasting an extremely low slip potential classification in both wet and dry conditions”.

The highly durable semi-gloss finish has a light aggregate for maximum slip resistance. Resistant to mild chemicals, water, oil, and grease, the new paint can be used on concrete, steel, and wooden flooring in areas with high slip risk, such as doorways, walkways, ramps, and steps. Applied with a brush or roller, the paint will cover at the rate of approximately 10-12 m2/litre, depending on the nature of the surface being painted. Touch-dry in 2-4 hours, Anti Slip Flortred is recoatable in 16-24 hours.


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