
IHEEM Annual General Meeting 2011

The President, Paul Kingsmore, presided. There were 28 members present. The meeting opened with the President welcoming the members to the meeting, and calling on the CEO to read the Notice of the AGM.


•  Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting, on 11 May, 2010, having been circulated and published, were taken as read and agreed. The Minutes of the EGM held on 5 October 2010, having similarly been circulated and published, were also taken as read and agreed.


•  Report of the Council and the Audited Financial Statements, 31 December 2010

The Annual Report and audited Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December having previously been sent to all IHEEM members, these were received and considered. Bob Chatwin questioned why there had been a significantly higher debtor figures in the year compared with the previous year. The acting CEO, Richard Boyce, was unable to answer the question without prior notice, and agreed to let Bob Chatwin have the answer after discussion with IHEEM’s accounts manager. Derek Chaplin thanked IHEEM for the comprehensive report of the activities of the Institute. With no further questions from those attending, the President moved that the report and financial statement be accepted. The motion was carried unanimously.


• Elections to the Council

The CEO reported that four nominations for vacant seats on Council had been received: Derek Chaplin for the Southern Branch; Graham Marsh for the South West Branch; Tony Webster for the East Anglia Branch, and Mark Richards for the East Midlands Branch. With all four seats uncontested, and with the recommendation of the Institute’s Council, all four were duly elected. The President welcomed Derek Chaplin and Mark Richards as new Council members, and welcomed back Graham Marsh and Tony Webster, both of whom had been co-opted. The CEO then read out the full list of Council members that would take effect for 12 months from completion of the AGM, after which the President welcomed the new members, and thanked Andy Wavell and Bill Millar for their ‘exceptional contributions’ to IHEEM; the former for his ‘commitment to the Conference’, and the latter for his work with the International Committee and the IFHE Digest publication.


•  Appointment of Auditors

The President proposed that Morris Crocker Chartered Accountants be re-appointed as Auditors to the Institute for the 2011 financial year, and that the Council be authorised to determine their remuneration. The motion was passed.


• Special Business

The President called on the members to vote on Special Resolution 1: removing unnecessary and duplicated text; on Special Resolution 2 and Special Resolution 3: both to reduce staff time in chasing subscriptions. There being no questions, and with all three resolutions passed, he then proposed that the Articles of Association be amended in accordance with the resolutions set out in the notice for the meeting


• Any other business

Paul Kingsmore reported that an Annual Report had been produced covering the 2011 financial year, and thanked those who had worked hard on producing it, adding that the document clearly demonstrated the Institute’s work over the year, and the transparency of what it was trying to achieve. He exhorted members to circulate the Report where possible as a means of encouraging others to join IHEEM. Derek Chaplin asked how the search for a replacement CEO was progressing. The President responded by confirming that the process would start with the appointment of a recruitment agency (now appointed – see page 9) to assist in the process, which he said would be completed by the end of November. Paul Kingsmore was hopeful that the new CEO would be in place not later than April 2012, with the recruitment agency selected starting by benchmarking the salary so that the Institute paid no more or less than like-sized organisations. There being no further questions, the President thanked all those present for their attendance, and declared the Annual General Meeting closed.


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