Peter Jackson, a member of the Institute for 58 years, and the son of one of the original founding members of the Institute of Hospital Engineers, died on 11 January 2012, aged 85.
He gave distinguished service to the Institute, both for the Wales Regional Branch, and at Council level, as well as in the field of estate management in the NHS. He served on the IHEEM Council for six years, and at branch level held the posts of chairman, honorary secretary, and conference secretary, as well as honorary treasurer from 1984 until 2003. Following distinguished and long service in the NHS, including overseeing the construction and commissioning of the University Hospital Of Wales – at the time one of Europe’s biggest teaching hospitals – Peter Jackson retired as district engineer of South Glamorgan Health Authority in 1987. An Institute stalwart, he was also highly active with the Inland Waterways fraternity, restoring parts of the national canal network, and serving on numerous committees. National Treasurer of the Bevin Boys Association until he was 81, Peter Jackson received his badge of recognition for war service as a Bevin Boy personally from Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, in 2008. He was also treasurer of the Welsh Branch of the Institution of Electrical Engineers for a number of years before its merger with the Institution of Incorporated Engineers in 2006. Peter Jackson will be greatly missed by his wife, Joan, the rest of his family and friends, and those who he mentored during his long association with the Institute.