

COVER STORY: This way to P4 Cloud emergency lighting

P4, a leading UK emergency lighting specialist, and its FASTEL self-testing technology, have been ‘at the forefront of emergency lighting for over 30 years’.

Monochloramine – a new approach to disinfection

Frank Butterworth, Technical director at water hygiene, treatment, and equipment specialist, Goodwater, discusses the various strategies that have been used over the years to combat the growth and proliferation of Legionella in healthcare water systems. He particularly focuses on the advantages, in combating the bacterium, of monochloramine as a secondary disinfectant in buildings’ water systems, compared with using other chlorine-based disinfectants.

Stop your sluice room being an ‘often overlooked corner'

The global commitment to achieving Net Zero carbon emissions has led numerous industries to seek sustainable solutions. For the healthcare sector, says Haigh Customer Service lead, Wendy Andrews, a simple yet significant contribution to this goal lies in an often overlooked corner – the sluice room, and the opportunities for enhanced efficiencies there.

Hot water in healthcare – the Net Zero challenge

Paul Marsden, Public Health Technical Specification manager at Baxi, and Chair of the Society of Public Health Engineers (SoPHE) Industry Working Group, discusses the challenges and opportunities for NHS Estates and Facilities managers surrounding the decarbonisation of domestic hot water. He argues that the high hot water demand frequently associated with healthcare premises makes it a clear focus for reduction in associated energy use and emissions.

Tackling hospital drainage systems to minimise risk

Steven Van De Peer, an Authorising Engineer (Water) at Tetra Consulting, discusses what he believes are ‘some of the opportunities for the UK to lead’ in the design of hospital wastewater systems.

The Copenhagen hospital tackling nitrous oxide issue

The Maternity Unit at Copenhagen’s Hvidovre Hospital has recently reintroduced nitrous oxide to support women in labour pain, having ceased using it a decade ago due to concerns over potential health risks to staff. Denmark has since, however, developed new safety protocols for N2O use, and with the gas a highly effective analgesic, the hospital wanted to reintroduce it, but needed to address its substantial climate footprint. Jannik Jensen, Global Product manager at Medclair, and his colleague, R&D manager, Olesya Nikonova, explain how a Medclair central nitrous oxide destruction system met the brief.

How the six-facet survey can support Net Zero goals

Brook Smith, Partner at independent property consultants, RLB, discusses six-facet surveys’ key part in supporting healthcare estates and facilities management personnel meet their sustainability targets, and work towards the objectives in their Green Plans.

New NHS MMC toolkit ‘provides a consistent view’

A new NHS Modern Methods of Construction Toolkit and accompanying User Guide are intended ‘to provide a framework and key themes to create a coherent Modern Methods of Construction strategy’.

The ‘future-proof’ hospitals arriving in East Cheshire

The Associate Director for Estates & Facilities at East Cheshire NHS Trust discusses a far-reaching portfolio of refurbishment, new-build, and carbon and energy reduction measures, in progress at Macclesfield District General Hospital and two smaller Trust hospitals.

Achievements celebrated at gala dinner in historic setting

The presentation of seven awards, a drinks reception, and a sumptuous dinner, were the highlights of a gala awards evening in Cardiff last month during IHEEM’s 2023 Wales Regional Conference.

Key priorities to ensure safe and reliable lift operation

John Newbold, director of lift consultancy business, SVM Associates, who has worked in the lift business for almost 40 years, outlines some of the challenges faced, and lessons learnt, from assisting both Estates and Capital Project Departments manage their lifts.

Renewable energy boost as heat pumps reduce carbon

Tim Rook, a Chartered Engineer, and the Chief Markets officer at UK heat pump manufacturer, Clade Engineering, discusses some of the key opportunities for renewable energy technologies to reduce carbon emissions and bring savings in the healthcare sector, with a particular focus on heat pump technology

Don’t take the ‘tick box’ approach to fight Legionella

In this article, Greg Rankin, CEO at ‘pioneer in the rapid testing industry’, Hydrosense, looks to raise awareness of some of the key areas of Legionella exposure in hospitals and other healthcare settings, noting that this risk is ‘just as relevant’ for new construction sites, refurbishments, and even fully operational, fit-for-purpose buildings.

The vital part that regional heat networks can play

In advance of the University & Healthcare Estates and Innovation Conference in Dublin, Mott MacDonald’s Alison Ryan and two sector colleagues look at the role of regional heat networks in addressing some of the challenges ahead with respect to achieving Net Zero Carbon

Tackling knowledge gaps on hospital wastewater systems

Peter Orendecki, Senior Contracts manager and Water AP at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, highlights ‘the apparent lack of understanding of the risks’ posed by hazardous bacteria in hospital wastewater systems among some designers, architects, and even Infection Control personnel.

How digital innovation is the key to tomorrow’s care

In the third in a series of HEJ articles from key personnel involved in the New Hospital Programme, NHP Deputy Clinical Director, Cheryl Riotto, outlines how provision of care in our future hospitals will be transformed to deliver maximum benefits to both patients, and the staff working in them.

How geothermal energy can help Trusts hit Net Zero

Clive Nattrass of the Carbon and Energy Fund explains how the NHPower programme is using collaboration to manage risks associated with Trusts progressing to Net Zero, while three co-authors focus on the opportunities for decarbonisation of natural gas at the point of use and potential wider NHS deployment of geothermal energy technology.

Evaluating climate change risks when planning facilities

In an article first published in Canadian Healthcare Facilities, Lisa Westerhoff, who leads the Climate Policy & Planning team at Integral Group in Vancouver, reports on a presentation she gave at the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society British Columbia Chapter Conference in Whistler last June, in which she and two co-speakers ‘unpacked and demystified how to integrate climate resilience into healthcare facilities’.

Canadian project focusing on PPE reduction and re-use

Kent Waddington, Linda Varangu, and Mia Sarrazin of the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, discuss a project in Canada that sought to verify that hospital use of PPE and some medical singleuse plastic (mSUP) materials could be successfully and safely managed by focusing on the preferred principles of a circular economy – reduction and re-use.

Meeting the pure water challenges of healthcare

Tony Stubbs, Business Development manager (Healthcare) at Veolia Water Technologies UK, explains why a consistent, pure water supply, and smart monitoring solutions, should be an integral part of a robust patient safety strategy

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