
Getting the sensory aspects right in hospital design

At Healthcare Estates 2023, experienced healthcare planner, Suzanne MacCormick, explained how getting the sensory aspects of healthcare facilities right plays a critical part in providing the optimal care environment and speeding recovery.

Speaking at last October’s Healthcare Estates 2023 conference, Suzanne MacCormick, an experienced healthcare planner at healthcare consultancy, Spencer Harrison, discussed how getting the sensory aspects of healthcare facilities right plays a critical part in providing the optimal care environment and speeding recovery. While the importance of – for example – selecting the right colours, and providing sufficient light air, and quiet, is well-proven through numerous studies, in some hospitals, these elements are still not being adequately factored in, she told delegates. HEJ editor, Jonathan Baillie, reports.

Suzanne MacCormick’s keynote address in an early afternoon conference slot on 10 October formed the second ‘half’ of a two-part Health & Social Care Planning session; in the first Natalie Forrest, Senior Responsible Owner at the New Hospital Programme (NHP), updated delegates on progress with the planned construction of 40 new hospitals across England. The former nurse and hospital CEO/COO also explained the principles behind, and anticipated benefits of, the NHP team’s Hospital 2.0 initiative; its aim is to enable many more of the new hospitals required to be built concurrently – by speeding up the planning process, increasing use of standardised components, and harnessing Modern Methods of Construction (see pages 57-61 for a full report).

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