East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust will reportedly gain at least £800,000 over the next 20 years – through a combination of Feed-In-Tariff revenue and lower electricity bills – following the installation, by Photon Energy, of solar panels from Conergy to the roofs of a number of its control centres.
Conergy, among Europe’s largest solar technology suppliers for large-scale projects, says that five solar arrays featuring 200 Conergy P-Series modules generating 50 kW each have been fitted to the roofs of NHS control centres in Braintree, Norwich, Luton, Melbourn, and Welwyn Garden City. These facilities coordinate over 500,000 call-outs annually across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk. The centres will be able to generate 195,000 kilowatt hours of ‘clean’ solar electricity a year. Alongside the energy savings, the Trust will receive money from the Government’s Feed-In-Tariff for renewably-generated electricity, and by selling unused electricity to the National Grid. Conergy adds: “The panels will deliver cost savings and new revenues of £42,000 annually over 20 years, cutting the Trust’s carbon emissions by 103 tonnes a year.” Payback is expected within five years.