
Platform for a better built environment

IHEEM’s recently established Architecture and Design of the Built Environment Technical Platform (ADBETP) is now firmly up and running, and, as one of its members, Gary Mortimer, general manager, Facilities & Estates, at NHS Grampian, puts it, is determined to bring tangible, positive, and sustainable benefits to the NHS built environment to support the effective delivery of changing clinical needs’. Equally, the Platform hopes its activities will ‘add value to IHEEM members, technical professionals in health construction and operational management, and other healthcare professionals working in NHS buildings’. HEJ editor, Jonathan Baillie, reports.

The Platform (formerly the Architecture and Design of the Built Environment Advisory Group, or ADBEAG), is chaired by Dr Manju Patel, PhD, FIHEEM, MSc, MBA, BSc. It held its inaugural meeting in London on 25 April at the London offices of Sweett (UK), and a follow-up conference call in mid-June. Following the discussions, it has now set a number of key priorities on which to focus over the next three years: 

While these topics are among those that the Platform’s discussions to date have suggested deserve a high priority, its members are keen to hear from IHEEM members and other readers of HEJ on other pressing healthcare architecture and built environment issues that they feel merit particular attention.

The Platform hopes to produce quarterly articles on several of the topics for publication in HEJ over coming months. With the Government BIM Task Group currently affording formal recognition to retail and Government projects, but, the ADBETP says, no such recognition to healthcare, the Department of Health has expressed an interest in IHEEM formally setting up a Health BIM Network, an initiative in which the Platform anticipates it may act as the conduit (co-ordinated by ADBETP member, Steve Batson).

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