
Teamwork on thirteen theatre project

Thirteen operating theatres – eight at Watford General Hospital, and five at St Albans City Hospital – have been upgraded by Starkstrom after the West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust successfully bid for special funds from the Department of Health.

 Starkstrom said: “Despite its complexity, the project was completed successfully within a short timeframe. Work was often restricted to short periods, as all the theatres were still operational.” As each theatre was completed, Starkstrom trained the clinical teams to ensure all staff were comfortable with the new equipment. 

Of the eight Watford ‘ORs’, four received a complete refurbishment, including lights, pendants, theatre control panels, isolated and uninterruptible power supplies, and illuminated warning signs. Two were also equipped with ‘the latest in digital technology for ORs’ – Starkstrom’s VisionOR. Here, the ‘seamless integration’ between products was undertaken by Starkstrom’s audio-visual integration team. All equipment was from Starkstrom’s S-equiP solution.

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