
Cutting shower cleaning costs

Challis Water Controls says that following its introduction of a quarterly disposable shower replacement scheme, NHS Trusts across the UK are now realising that ‘it is cheaper, safer, and best practice, to regularly replace shower and hoses rather than attempt to clean old showers each quarter’.

The company said: “Recent changes to HTM 04 and L8 on the thoroughness of recommended shower cleaning now mean that the quarterly showerhead deep clean is more involved and will take a lot longer. With increased compliance requirements, and sweeping budget cuts across the NHS, cost efficiencies in this area are now an important priority for many Trusts.” 

ISO quality-assured Challis, which claims to be the market leader in antibacterial showerheads and hoses, already supplies over 70,000 colourcoded disposable showerheads and hoses to UK NHS Trusts. It added: “The high quality, colour-coded heads and hoses facilitate quick, easy, and efficient visual auditing and significantly reduced maintenance time, while providing continuous 24/7 proven anti-bacterial protection, enhanced infection control, and improved patient safety. The ‘one off, one on’ simplicity of our replacement scheme is designed to reduce maintenance time, management time, resources, and costs, across the estate.”


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