Nick Barsby from T-safe UK, and Chair of the Legionella Control Association, and, Claire Jackson, an Authorising Engineer (Water), discuss work to address protracted Legionella colonisation in the water at a hospital in south-east England.
Nick Barsby, National Sales manager at sanitaryware and water safety product manufacturer, T-safe UK, and the Chair of the Legionella Control Association, and IHEEM member, Claire Jackson, an Authorising Engineer (Water) and senior Contracts manager at water treatment and hygiene specialist, Lakeside Water, discuss work to address a protracted Legionella colonisation issue in the hot and cold water supply at a hospital in south-east England. One ward had a particular issue with L. anisa
Lakeside Water and registered members of the Legionella Control Association (LCA) are involved in the water quality control measures confirmation assurance of a number of healthcare facilities in the south-east east of England as part of an ongoing contract. The contract required annual confirmation Legionella sampling, with design based on the guidance in BS7592:20081 and the clients’ Water Safety Plan requirements, for when control measures were being achieved. On an annual sampling visit to one of these sites, the laboratory data highlighted some concerns that led to a system-wide chlorination. The first set of re-sampling, as per HSG274 Part 2,2 was undertaken two days after the initial disinfection, and was successful at delivering the desired result of systemic ‘not detected’ results. The second round of confirmation sampling delivered positive results, which led to further investigation that revealed a catalogue of issues that – once resolved – left a ‘challenging’ ward where Legionella continued to prevail. Over the next 24 months Lakeside undertook a range of remedial actions to resolve the issue, along with monthly sampling, while the ‘challenging’ area was protected by T-safe filters. The cost of ‘not doing it right first time’ on this site was in excess of £300,000.
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