Nick Keegan, an expert in building energy efficiency and energy performance contracting, and a director at EEVS, considers some effective approaches to ‘de-risking’ heating projects in the drive towards Net Zero.
Nick Keegan, an expert in building energy efficiency and energy performance contracting, and a director at provider of performance advice, assurance, and verification services for commercial energy-saving schemes, EEVS, considers some effective approaches to ‘de-risking’ heating projects in the drive towards Net Zero.
Scrutiny of the transition to Net Zero is growing in all parts of our society. The NHS is of course not immune to forensic analysis. A Freedom of Information request last year for data on the low carbon transition across 140 NHS Trusts revealed that 53% said that they were behind on their decarbonisation targets set out under the NHS’s overall commitment to deliver Net Zero by 2040 for direct emissions.
On the plus side, this data also indicated that most Trusts have already installed energy efficiency technologies. Ninetythree per cent have upgraded lighting or are planning to do so, with the proportion standing at 90% for building control and automation systems, and 69% for improvements to insulation. It is of course the large capital heating projects that are key to turning the low carbon dial, and, ultimately, Net Zero delivery
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