
How the six-facet survey can support Net Zero goals

Brook Smith, Partner at independent property consultants, RLB, discusses six-facet surveys’ key part in supporting healthcare estates and facilities management personnel meet their sustainability targets, and work towards the objectives in their Green Plans.

A longer-term solution to meet the needs of Estates departments is an Enterprise Asset Management system that can be used to track and manage assets throughout their lifecycle.

The landscape of hospital estates has changed dramatically over the last decade. Where key drivers for those managing hospitals and healthcare settings used to be predominantly user experience, cost, and efficiency, there are now many other essential elements to the mix, including the Net Zero carbon (NZC) agenda, and how the estate and its surroundings integrate into the communities which they serve. Many healthcare Estates and Facilities Departments are now dealing with the triptych of an ageing estate, little, if any budget, and increasing pressure from stakeholders to maintain and improve. Understanding the condition of your estate is the key to unlock how best to strategically plan both refurbishment and new-build projects, and data is the gold dust that helps this understanding

Facilitating strategic masterplanning

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