
‘Taking time out of’ hospital construction will be key

The New Hospital Programme’s Senior Responsible Owner, Natalie Forrest, updated Healthcare Estates 2023 delegates on progress with the Programme, and discussed the Hospital 2.0 model.

On the first day of last October’s Healthcare Estates 2023 conference, Natalie Forrest, the Senior Responsible Owner for the Programme, gave an update on progress with the New Hospital Programme. She also discussed the principles behind, and anticipated benefits of, Hospital 2.0 – a national approach to delivering new hospitals more quickly, at a lower cost, and with greater taxpayer value. Following her Manchester address, she was also among a number of high-level NHP speakers at an Autumn Market briefing held in London on 9 November, aimed principally at suppliers. HEJ editor, Jonathan Baillie, reports

Natalie Forrest’s early afternoon keynote speech on 10 October was immediately followed by an interesting address from clinical planner and global healthcare consultant, Suzanne MacCormick, in which she discussed some of the key sensory elements shown in studies to make for optimal staff and patient environments (see pages 31-36 for a report)

Presenting in the first ‘half’ of a two-part conference ‘slot’, Natalie Forrest was introduced to delegates by IHEEM Past-President, Paul Fenton. The Senior Responsible Owner for the NHP, who took up the role in January 2021, is a highly experienced former nurse, with a BA in Nursing from Sheffield Hallam University, and a Master of Science in Health Services Management. Before joining the NHP team she also served as Interim CEO and COO at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Director for Service Transformation at Barnet & Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust, and Chief Executive Officer at Chase Farm Hospital.

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