
DRLC – Your ‘one-stop shop’ for Authorising Engineer Services

DRLC is excited to announce its participation at this year’s Healthcare Estates exhibition, where it will once again be highlighting its Authorising Engineer (AE) services for:

  •  Fire safety.
  • Ventilation.
  • Water safety
  • Pressure systems.
  • Medical gases
  • Confined spaces.
  • Electrical.

The company said: “Our services are delivered by Chartered Engineers who are Fellows of IHEEM. Our MD, David Livingstone, is an IHEEM-registered AE for Ventilation, and Harry Evans is for Water Safety. Our Fire Safety team comprises  former firefighters who are members of The Institution of Fire Engineers and NAHFO, one of whom is a qualified Fire Engineer.

DRLC also provides energy analytics. It explained: “Offered as a free service, we scrutinise your utility bills – water, electricity and gas – to find areas where you may have been overcharged and can claim back overpayment. Conducted by energy brokers registered with Ofgem and the Energy Ombudsman, we work on a ‘no win, no fee basis’. Our standard contract for this service includes 80% of identified overpayments being paid to the client organisation.”

One of the highlights on DRLC’s stand this year will be its new duct-inspecting robot. Equipped with a camera, the robot conducts detailed and thorough inspections of ductwork systems, ‘leading to better decision-making and maintenance of historical records of the duct’s cleanliness and integrity’. DRLC said: “We invite all exhibition visitor to come and see us on Stand B40, where the robot will be on display. Our team will be delighted to provide a live demonstration, showcasing the ease of use and capabilities of this exciting new technology.

“Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to connecting with you in Manchester. Together, we can continue to ensure the highest standards of safety, compliance, and innovation, in healthcare environments.”

See more about DRLC Ltd

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