
Wipes prove powerful ally

Part of the Carmarthenshire division of Hywel Dda NHS Trust’s hard-hitting infection prevention measures includes introducing Vernacare’s new Tuffie 5 wipe – said to eradicate the major five major groups of pathogens such as Clostridium difficile, MRSA and E. coli.

 The powerful wipe was trialled on a medical ward at West Wales General Hospital, Carmarthen. Shan Moses, infection control coordinator, said: “The trial proved so successful we decided to introduce the wipe into both our acute sites, and into our cottage hospitals. It provides a sporicide, disinfectant, and detergent, in one skin-safe, easy-to-use wipe. “Nurses and healthcare support staff can use one wipe confident that it will eradicate all types of pathogens, rather than using a combination of detergent wipes, disinfectant solutions and alcohol sprays.”

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