
The FPA Evacuation Guidance - DVD

Pointing out that all employers must have a ‘suitable and sufficient strategy’ to provide for the safe evacuation of all staff, clients, and visitors, including those who may require assistance.

The Fire Protection Association (FPA) has launched a new DVD that considers typical evacuation strategies in all types of occupancy, and offers guidance on the equipment and procedures that should be in place to aid the evacuation of people with mobility, visual, hearing, and learning impairments. The Association says: “The ‘Guide to Assisted Evacuation’ DVD will be of particular interest to those operating in the health and residential care sector or specialised learning centres. It covers legal obligations, evacuation strategies, PEEPs and GEEPs, and assisted evacuation for people with mobility, hearing, and/or visual impairments, and those with learning difficulties.” ‘Guide to Assisted Evacuation’ is priced at £109.50+VAT (£99.50+VAT for FPA members), and can be ordered by contacting FPA publications. T: 01608 812524, emailing: sales@thefpa.co.uk or visiting: www.thefpa.co.uk


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