Your search for suppliers of "Air Handling Units" returned 22 results
Air Sentry UK
Old Stables, West Street, SN15 5EH United Kingdom01666 818087
0113 239 1000
+ (353) 57 866 4343
020 3944 1616
+353 57 86 64343
+44 (0)1206 222 555
01376 507000
Latest Issues
Airsentry® is based near Malmesbury, in Wiltshire.
In 2001 we realised that there was undocumented air contamination occurring to surfaces, through our owners previous innovation of ICU and OR service delivery pendants, as CEO of Trumpf Kreuzer UK.
It took from 2001 to 2003 to translate this into a workable concept and to 2007...