Self-contained lay-up cabinet
Medical Air Technology (MAT) has developed ‘a unique self-contained lay-up cabinet’, which ‘provides an innovative solution to a difficult challenge’.
‘Freedom for surgical excellence’
Brandon Medical says its latest Mediclean ultraclean ventilation system improves patient safety and surgical outcomes ‘by providing unique benefits’ to hospital designers, surgical staff, estates teams, and maintenance engineers.
Nothing stopping a culture change
Local Authority Building Control has called for the building industry to ‘work together to change its culture’.
Poll ‘confirms public support for stronger regulations’
A new survey by Rockwool, the manufacturer of non-combustible stone wool insulation materials, shows ‘overwhelming’ support (90 per cent) among the British public for all new high-rise and high-risk buildings to be clad and insulated in non-combustible materials only.
Well trained, well prepared
Topics covered by Eastwood Park’s fire safety training range from fire precautions in building design, to specialist guidance for hospital fire safety managers.
‘Established name’ takes Kentec reins
Life safety control systems manufacturer, Kentec, has appointed Kevin Swann as its new managing director.
Fire detector for ‘high-risk’ environments
Apollo Fire Detectors has launched a new, ‘unique’ low-profile fire detector – Soteria Dimension, which uses new optical sensing technology ‘in the form of a virtual sensing chamber’ that operates on the light-scatter principle.
Monitoring life safety assets
D rax Technology’s new asset tracking solution, AssetWhere, is designed to help locate and, if necessary, monitor the status of life safety-related assets ‘including, but not limited to’, fire extinguishers, fire doors, hose reels, or evacuation chairs.
Mobile decontamination unit for John Radcliffe
Vanguard Healthcare Solutions, which has recently launched a range of mobile endoscope decontamination units against a backdrop where demand for endoscopy procedures is set to rise by an estimated 10% year-on-year across the UK, has installed one of the first at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital.
The suite will be on site for nine months, supporting ongoing endoscopic procedures while the hospital creates a larger and improved permanent facility.
ProCure22 approval for flooring specialist
Forbo Flooring Systems has been appointed as an approved supplier on the Department of Health’s ProCure22 Framework for NHS and social care construction schemes in England – meaning that its floorcovering solutions, ‘from entrance to exit’, are approved for the healthcare environment.
The flooring company said: “The ProCure22 (P22) process is designed to achieve improved value for money and reduce exposure to risk through a simplified procurement procedure. Committed to developing and offering products that contribute in a positive way to the health and comfort of the individual, Forbo’s floorcoverings are designed to be good for people, good for buildings, and good for the environment.”
A holistic approach to infection control
In England and Wales healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) claim thousands of lives every year, with many thousands more requiring additional care due to infection.
‘Amazing year’ for hospital showers
Finding ways to be more compliant, save time, and money, isn’t easy in healthcare, but, says Dupal UK, this is exactly what the company has helped 30 NHS Trusts do in the UK over the past year – through the implementation of its ‘L8 Shower’ scheme.
Resilient Compact Grade Laminate
The TLS Simplicity Washroom range from Total Laminate Systems (TLS) includes IPS units, cubicles, vanity units, and accessories, together with sanitaryware and taps, available on a ‘supply and fit’ or ‘supply only’ basis.
Rapid identification of bacterial contamination
The portfolio of ‘accurate, easy-to-use tests to identify waterborne bacterial contamination’ from leading specialist in water testing, IDEXX, includes Pseudalert and Legiolert – which facilities managers can use to reduce the risk posed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Legionella pneumophila respectively.
City & Guilds-accredited Legionella training
Socotec, formerly ESG, the provider of testing, inspection, and compliance services, has recently been accredited by City & Guilds for Legionella training.
Lifetime antimicrobial protection
Dart Valley Systems say its DVS AntiMicrobial Range includes ‘some of the most innovative tap spouts, shower heads, and valves’.
Scaleable, reliable water management
Functional safety and ease of maintenance are a prerequisite for healthcare facilities. where systems must be kept running smoothly and germ-free.
Threaded shower head filter
Delabie has extended its Biofil terminal filter range with a new single-use antibacterial shower head which attaches directly to the shower hose.
‘Premium’ bathroom pod solution
Offsite Solutions says that, in launching a new ‘premium’ bathroom pod with a concrete base, it has becomes the UK’s only pod manufacturer to offer this type of factory-built wetroom.
Protective coatings extend resilient floorings’ life
Dr Schutz, a global floor care solutions specialist, offers a clear permanent PU coating applicable to all types of resilient floorcoverings – from vinyl and linoleum to rubber and other hard floors – designed to considerably simplify cleaning and maintenance, reduce staining and the potential for bacterial growth, and generally increase longevity and performance.
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Airsentry® is based near Malmesbury, in Wiltshire.
In 2001 we realised that there was undocumented air contamination occurring to surfaces, through our owners previous innovation of ICU and OR service delivery pendants, as CEO of Trumpf Kreuzer UK.
It took from 2001 to 2003 to translate this into a workable concept and to 2007...